Step one: breathe
Learnings, teachings and tips & tricks for anyone to reference during stressful times, life implosions and moments of self-discovery.
Here’s to calmness, clarity and composting!
What is transpersonal art therapy?
Transpersonal art therapy is just one of the modalities I offer at Gillian Drew Life Transitions. What I love about it is the way it allows for expression of whatever you need to say, even when you don’t have words for it.
I also love that art therapy isn’t about making something aesthetically pleasing and beautiful, and it isn’t about being technically correct in art-making. I really connect with this aspect because art wasn’t one of my favourite subjects in high school because although I enjoyed the making part but I’m not naturally artistic at all. I had so much personal judgement going on inside my head as I ‘created’ whatever we were assigned to do…I always felt like the teacher was looking at what I was doing and thinking ‘dear god, what do we have here?!’. She probably wasn’t, but in my head there was quite a conversation going on!!
Who is art therapy for? What do I mean by ‘transpersonal’? What happens in an appointment? Read on to have all these questions answered…
What is Heal Your Life Coaching?
Life Coaching is simply a conversation. What makes it different than other conversations is it has a purpose of helping you move towards living the life you’d prefer to be living!
If you’d like support working through a life transition or an unexpected change, or moving towards a desired outcome – why not check out Heal Your Life Coaching? Find out more about it in this blog.
What is kinesiology?
When you break down the word ‘kinesiology’, it means ‘the study of movement’. ‘Kinesi-’ is from the word kinetics meaning motion or movement, and ‘-ology’ is ‘the study of’.
Kinesiology as a modality looks at the relationship between stress and how it’s affecting ‘movement’ within all aspects of you. By ‘all aspects of you’, I mean that stress can affect the flow of your thoughts and emotions, your connection with yourself and others, the flow of your digestion, menstruation, breathing, bodily fluids (blood, lymph), and physical coordination and movement.