How my journey began
The story behind Gillian Drew Life Transitions comes from my own experience.
So many times, I’ve noticed myself feeling stressed while I’ve twisted and juggled competing commitments to make it all work, feeling rundown and tired, working long hours, or burning out. Eventually I would realise that the reason I’m feeling this way is because something in my life doesn’t fit anymore and if I just let that thing go, I will be back in alignment with me and feel better in so many ways.
In times of life change (e.g. changing jobs, moving house, divorce and separation, death), we just want life to feel like ‘normal’ – whatever that is – so we can relax and move forward in a direction that feels right for us. When we only focus on this rebuilding, we can ignore the fact that we need to grieve any loss we’re feeling. Instead, we hold the emotions inside us, perhaps to deal with ‘later’ or to never connect with them again because where there are emotions, there’s pain, discomfort, and sensations of being out of control. Keeping those emotions in check can manifest as muscle tension, headaches, fatigue, interrupted sleep, or digestive issues (to name a few) but we don’t realise the cause, we just feel stressed, sore and tired. We can feel lost and don’t know where to turn or what to do about it.
Sometimes the emotions explode and again, we don’t know what to do about it. We may be embarrassed about it, feel shame, or simply confused as that event ‘happened so long ago’, so why is all that emotion just surfacing now?
I’ve been through life change, felt the muscle tension, been stressed and burned out several times. After a few bumpy transitions, I’ve taught myself to become aware of my body, my emotions, and what it feels like to be aligned with who I am and what I want. I know what it feels like to be out of alignment and unbalanced. I also know that frameworks help me make sense of the confusing times by helping me realise what I can influence and change, and what I can’t. Just knowing that can make all the difference as I can then choose where to invest my energy.
I’ve learned so much from my own experience that I want to share this with you. To teach you the frameworks, the awareness, the pathway to knowing what if feels like to be in alignment, how to rest in the discomfort and moments of transition, and how to get life back to balance and a forward direction.
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