Step one: breathe
Learnings, teachings and tips & tricks for anyone to reference during stressful times, life implosions and moments of self-discovery.
Here’s to calmness, clarity and composting!
What is transpersonal art therapy?
Transpersonal art therapy is just one of the modalities I offer at Gillian Drew Life Transitions. What I love about it is the way it allows for expression of whatever you need to say, even when you don’t have words for it.
I also love that art therapy isn’t about making something aesthetically pleasing and beautiful, and it isn’t about being technically correct in art-making. I really connect with this aspect because art wasn’t one of my favourite subjects in high school because although I enjoyed the making part but I’m not naturally artistic at all. I had so much personal judgement going on inside my head as I ‘created’ whatever we were assigned to do…I always felt like the teacher was looking at what I was doing and thinking ‘dear god, what do we have here?!’. She probably wasn’t, but in my head there was quite a conversation going on!!
Who is art therapy for? What do I mean by ‘transpersonal’? What happens in an appointment? Read on to have all these questions answered…